blank blanks in a gun make a loud noise when the
gun is fired, but no bullets come out
cab an old kind of taxi, which was pulled by horses
case a crime or a problem that the police or
detectives are working on
city a large and important town
club a building used by the club members where
they can stay, have meals, read the newspapers,
cocaine a dangerous drug which is usually taken
through the nose, as a white powder commander-inchief the head of an army
curtains pieces of cloth hung up in front of windows
diagram a drawing or plan that explains something
drug a dangerous medicine (e.g. cocaine) which
some people take to get excitement and to make
them feel different
drunk (n and adj) a person who has drunk too much
evil (adj and n) very bad
falls (n) a waterfall; a place where a river falls from a
high place to a lower place fellow (informal) a man
flora all the plants of a particular area
horrible frightening, terrible
horror great fear or dislike
inject to put medicine or a drug into the body with a
special needle injection putting medicine or a drug
into the body with a needle
inhale to breathe in through the nose
jar a container or pot, usually made of glass
kiss to touch someone, usually someone you like or
love, with your lips
lane a narrow street
mad crazy, with a sick mind
mastermind someone very intelligent, who plans
other people's work (or crimes)
mathematics the science of numbers
path a narrow way for people to walk on
patient (n) a sick person who goes to a doctor for
medical help
pregnant expecting a baby
professor the highest level of teacher in a university
red-handed (catch someone) catch someone in the
middle of doing something wrong
rip (v) to cut violently with a knife
Ripper (n) a name given to a murderer who cuts
people up safety being safe, out of danger
scarlet bright red
Scotland Yard the headquarters of the London
snuff tobacco, as a powder which is taken in through
the nose
telegram a quick way of sending a message by
electric wires or radio
truth the facts; what is true, what really happened
waterfall a place where a river falls from a high
place to a lower place
weak not strong
wise knowing many things; knowing what is right and
yard a piece of hard ground with buildings all round