3. Results
3.1. Thematic analysis
Results are summarized in Table 3. The majority of projects analyzed across all contexts (89%) intended for data to be used in conservation decision making. Of all projects analyzed (134 projects), 46% had no evidence of use while 54% demonstrated some evidence of use. These percentages varied across contexts (Table 3). Earthwatch projects showed the greatest percent of projects used (79%), CitSci.org had the least
(21%), and TSN-NE showed a moderate percentage (54%; Table 3).Across all contexts, only 7% of projects leveraged all five place dimensions and 34% made use of only one or no place dimensions (Table 3)Moreover, projects influencing decision making used more
(t = −4.8, df = 117; p b 0.001) place dimensions (x = 3.0; sd = 1.4)in materials than projects not influencing decision making (x = 1.8;sd = 1.2) (Fig. 1).