when pollen was airborne. With the exception of 17 July, the magnitude of sw
drops to almost zero close to sunset, and no pollen were
captured by the Rotorods after sunset. On 17 July, after sunset,
sw remained relatively high and exceeded 0.15–0.2m s1 while
at the same time the relative humidity was well below 100%
(Fig. 10a), thereby setting the right conditions for anther
dehiscence and pollen emission/dispersal. However, also in
this case no airborne pollen was sampled. Apparently, the
corn anthers did not emit any pollen, raising questions as to
how anther maturation is linked to the diurnal solar cycle.
when pollen was airborne. With the exception of 17 July, the magnitude of swdrops to almost zero close to sunset, and no pollen werecaptured by the Rotorods after sunset. On 17 July, after sunset,sw remained relatively high and exceeded 0.15–0.2m s1 whileat the same time the relative humidity was well below 100%(Fig. 10a), thereby setting the right conditions for antherdehiscence and pollen emission/dispersal. However, also inthis case no airborne pollen was sampled. Apparently, thecorn anthers did not emit any pollen, raising questions as tohow anther maturation is linked to the diurnal solar cycle.
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