3. Potential of biomass energy in Thailand
3.1. Agricultural biomass
Thailand is known as a food producing (and supplying) country. Biomass residues from
10 main agricultural residues, which possess energy potential, were extensively studied by
Sajjakulnukit et al. [6]. It was found that the total agricultural waste was 61 million ton in
1997. The study further estimated an amount of 41 million ton of biomass residues, which
is equivalent to about 426!109 MJ of energy, was unused. Table 1 shows top three crops.
Unfortunately, wood residue from rubber trees was not included in this study. Another
independent study by EC-ASEAN COGEN Program estimated that energy potential from
four main agricultural residues namely; bagasse, rice husk, palm oil wastes, and wood
residues; was 11,200 GWh/yr or 2985 MW of power capacity [7].