To explore differences in distance moved, total activity and rearing over time, the 30-min MCSF trial was divided into six 5-min periods (Fig. 2).
In animals administered the 0.0 g/kg dose, no difference in distance moved over timewas found (Fig. 2A).
Animals receiving the 0.5 g/kg dose had significantly shorter distance moved from the fourth 5-min period and onward relative to the first 5 min.
Animals administered the 1.0 g/kg dose had significantly shorter distance moved during the third and fifth 5-min period compared to the initial 5 min. Animals receiving the highest dose (1.5 g/kg) had significantly shorter distances moved during the second to the fifth 5-min period relative to the first. No significant differences in the amount of distance moved between the groups were found during the first 5-min period (Fig. 2A). Significant between-group differences were found from the second time period.
Animals administered the 1.5 g/kg dose had shorter distances moved compared to the 0.0 g/kg dose during the second to fourth time period, and during the second to third time period compared to the 0.5 g/kg dose. Animals administered ethanol at 1.0 g/kg had shorter distances moved compared to the 0.0 g/kg and 0.5 g/kg doses of ethanol during the third and fifth time period.