Now that you know a bit about Munich, let’s look at three popular celebrations there. The first
one is Epiphany. On this day people _______ and _______. The next one is _____. People
_______ and _______. It is a very _____ day. Finally there is ______. People ____________.
Now that you know about the celebrations, let’s discuss the food and drink in (city). (Tell
about 3 things).
Finally, we’d like to tell you about some of the rules and laws related to travelling there.
(Tell about visas needed and any special laws to follow).
This brings us to the end of our presentation about (city). We’ve discussed the celebrations,
food and drink and rules that a traveler should know about before you go there.
Does anyone have a question about (city)? (answer questions)
Thank you for your time and attention. I hope that you can visit (city) someday soon