I was attacked not by a rough-looking man with a heavy stick.
I fought get him off and he is now in the hands of the police. But I cannot prove any connection between him and ," I Moriarty. So, you should not be surprised that I am anxious. Also, I must not leave by the front door.' I Will you sleep here tonight?' I asked. i do 'No, my friend. If I stay here it will be dangerous for tell you. But I have made my plans, and all will be well. The police can now arrest the Moriarty group without my help. Although my presence will be necessary at the trial, it is best I get away for a few days. So I will he very pleased if you can come abroad with me.'
`My medical work is not busy at present,' I replied, `so I shall be glad to come.' `And can you start tomorrow morning?' Holmes asked. `If necessary.' `Oh, yes, it is most necessary. Here are my orders, Watson, and you must follow them exactly. For you are now playing a game with me against the cleverest and most powerful criminals in Europe. Now listen! Send your luggage — don't put any address on the bags —to the railway station tonight. Then, in the morning, take several different cabs and finally reach the station in time for the boat train.'