4.1. Kinematics
Most models assume a wheeled mobile robot kinematics only experienced roll motion (rolling) [3]. Some
of the assumptions used for the movement of pure rolling or rolling wheels, among others:
• Robot motion is modeled by a simple rigid body kinematics modeling
• Slip does not occur and the friction in the longitudinal direction of rolling movement between
the wheels with the floor.
As shown in Fig.2 and adapted from [6], UGV moves on X-Y planes, at its center of
mass (COM). Where u is the longitudinal speed and v is the lateral speed. Since the motion is
nonholonomic, v=0. However, it may rotate with an angular speed . If
is the
state vector representing robot’s X-Y. The lateral and angular speeds, u and r can be determined by
having angular speeds on the left and right drive wheels, l and r
4.1. KinematicsMost models assume a wheeled mobile robot kinematics only experienced roll motion (rolling) [3]. Someof the assumptions used for the movement of pure rolling or rolling wheels, among others:• Robot motion is modeled by a simple rigid body kinematics modeling• Slip does not occur and the friction in the longitudinal direction of rolling movement betweenthe wheels with the floor.As shown in Fig.2 and adapted from [6], UGV moves on X-Y planes, at its center ofmass (COM). Where u is the longitudinal speed and v is the lateral speed. Since the motion isnonholonomic, v=0. However, it may rotate with an angular speed . If is thestate vector representing robot’s X-Y. The lateral and angular speeds, u and r can be determined byhaving angular speeds on the left and right drive wheels, l and r
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