Some people believe that marriage is the union of people who love each other. It should be legal for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals, to ensure equal rights for all. Do you support gay/lesbian marriage? Why or why not?
Do you support legal abortion (Pro-choice / A woman has the right to decide what happens with her body) or not (Pro-life / Human life begins at conception and abortion is the murder of a human being)? Why?
What is your opinion of the following paragraph?
“Wealth is a sign of success or reward for virtue. Rich people deserve to be rich. Poverty is a fault of poor people, who are lazy, indolent, and irresponsible. Helping the poor is the job of charity or church, not government. Wealth need to be reinvest rather than hand it to tax collector. Prosperity will trickle down and everybody will be better off.”
Do you agree with “the death penalty or executing a murderer is the appropriate punishment for taking an innocent life, or “the death penalty is inhumane and is ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment. It does not deter crime.”
What is your opinion of the following paragraph?
“Individuals do not need guns for protection; it is the role of the government to protect the people through law enforcement agencies and the military. Gun control laws are necessary to stop gun violence and limit the ability of criminals to obtain guns. More guns mean more violence.”
In your opinion, what is the interviewee’s political ideology (conservative/liberal or else)?