The European Union has also been a strong actor in promoting research and program support for social enterprise. It views social enterprise as a business model that can simul- taneously address issues of economic growth, employment, and quality of life (Thomas, 2004). From 1996–1999 the Research Directorate-General of the European Commission funded the Emergence of Social Enterprise in Europe Project that examined social enterprise in all 15 countries than part of the European Union. The Commission also financed the follow-up PERSE (The Socio-Economic Performance of Social Enterprises in the Field of Integration by Work) Project conducted in 11 European Union countries from 2001–2004. The Enterprise Directorate-General of the European Commission has supported social econ- omy enterprises such as cooperatives and mutuals since 1989 and is currently focusing on their “enterprise aspects.” It supports research, helps draft European Union statutes, consults with organizations, and links with public officials in member countries who are working on regulation in this area (European Union, 2004).