◾Fixed Warframe Mods being applied to Archwings after a host migration occurs.
◾Fixed generic Archwing Mods saying they are compatible with only the Odonata. They will now properly say ‘Archwing’.
◾Fixed squadmate Lisets not always showing the correct colors on the loading screen.
◾Fixed Strun and Strun Wraith making continuous clicking sounds when you hit an empty magazine.
◾Fixed audio and visual problems that would occur on Corpus outpost connecting rooms.
◾Fixed Halikar weapon sounds looping when the player is interrupted during a jump strike.
◾Fixed issue caused by Limbo leaving a session after casting Banish on a player, causing them to be permanently Banished as per: https://forums.warfr...shedby-a-limbo/
◾Fixed enemies immune to Warframe abilities still being affected by Loki’s Irradiating Disarm Augment Mod.
◾Fixed shotgun weapons causing ‘glass’ impacts on the wrong materials.
◾Fixed ammo pickups potentially counting towards multiple players, instead of applying towards a single player.
◾Fixed XP Boosters and Dark Sector bonus modifiers affecting Syndicate Weapon bonuses (Entropy, Sequence, Blight, Purity, Truth, Justice).
◾Fixed various localization issues.
◾Fixed Corpus Power Carrier appearing twice in the Codex.
◾Fixed Smoke colors in Arsenal selecting the same color twice unintentionally.
◾Fixed the Quick Reload Mod using the incorrect image on the Mod card.
◾Fixed the Sinister Reach Mod incorrectly saying it can be used on ‘any’ weapon, not just ‘primary’ weapons as per: https://forums.warfr...ynoid-gammacor/
◾Fixed scale and placement of Targis Prime armor when used on Mesa and Zephyr.
◾Fixed visual issues with Targis Prime armor when used during Mesa’s Peacemaker.
◾Fixed an error causing incorrect pigments to drop in Missions.
◾Fixed erroneous pickup sounds triggered when players have obtained a pigment.
◾Fixed regular weapon upgrades being applied to Archwing weapons during a host migration.
◾Fixed Excalibur’s Radial javelin doing 2x damage when cast by Clients as per: https://forums.warfr...al-javelin-bug/
◾Fixed Nekros’ Shadows of the Dead Ability not deactivating properly.
◾Fixed the Itzal Archwing’s Blink Ability allowing players to teleport through objects they shouldn’t be able to.
◾Fixed typo in the Itzal Pack Market description.
◾Fixed general issues that would occur during Archwing Missions during host migration.
◾Fixed Kohm creating particle effects on Mirage’s clones when particle settings are not set to High in system settings.
◾Fixed white flash of light that would occur when players would be hit by Dargyn’s laser weapon in Archwing Missions.
◾Fixed minor color issues occurring on electric procs within Volt’s Overload sphere.
◾Fixed the Defense End of Mission screen always showing one wave higher than actually cleared.
◾Fixed players not being able to access their inventory if they obtain pigments while in a clan, then leave the clan.
◾Fixed pigment drops potentially despawning rare resources.
◾Fixed Clan Dojo loading issue that would cause players to sit on a perpetual loading screen.
◾Fixed issue in Dark Sector Conflicts that would cause ‘dojo detected’ to pop up on screen and become unremovable.
◾Fixed Dojo wall decorations having slightly incorrect placement.
◾Fixed Mods shown on loading screen displaying incomplete / incorrect details.
◾Fixed Dojo becoming inaccessible after using the Polychrome Unit.
◾Fixed players being unable to start a new project if they have pigment remaining in their inventory when their last Polychrome Research finished.
◾Fixed the appearance of a ‘fog effect’ that would appear when quickly aiming into a connecting room.
◾Fixed issue caused by players not being able to read their Tethra’s Doom reward inbox message