4. Discussion
The study indicates that varying the aesthetic design of the BlackBerry Pearl has an impact on emotional reaction of males. However, it was found that males in this population sample prefer the original, Piano Black treatment of the Pearl over the visually treated versions of the smartphone.
Research indicates that current graphical representations of Tukey's method for multiple comparisons have several limitations (Hsu and Peruggia, 1994). This paper presents an innovative way of representing the Tukey results in the form of a matrix.
Figure 4 indicates the preferred patterns identified according to post‐hoc Tukey multiple comparisons. Ratings for patterns listed across the top of the matrix are compared to ratings for patterns listed across the left side of the matrix. Patterns that are rated significantly higher according to the Tukey analysis are graphically represented in the matrix. Results indicate the Piano Black pattern was preferred to all other patterns except Red and Dark Blue.