You’re going to sweat. Get over it.
The one day that you finally decide to wear a tank top and shorts, since you’ve realized that all the locals do, everyone else will be wearing a t-shirt and pants. Apparently it’s cold outside.
When the locals are sweating profusely, you know it’s hot outside.
Drivers in Bangkok are 1000 times crazier than Montreal drivers. Yes, you will fell like you’re going to die sometimes. Pray extra hard.
Riding a motorbike taxi is both terrifying and thrilling, in cycles. When other cars are around, you will think that you are going to die. But when the road is clear, enjoy the rush of excitement as your hair flows in the wind.
Almost all of the monks I saw were on their cell phones. Interesting.
Never layer shirts. That’s just asking for extra sweat in places where you’re already going to sweat anyways.
Thai people love to smile (awkward smiles for the win!), but don’t mistake this to mean that they are always happy.
Thai people don’t like confrontation, and try to avoid it at all costs. (My kind of people!)
A smile is a perfectly acceptable in place of a sa-wat-dee (“hello”) in most scenarios. (Do I fit in here, or what?!)
Never say anything bad about the king. And really, why should you? Look at what the Thai kings throughout recent history have done for the Thai people!