1. Introduction
Cellular automata, originally developed by von Neuman and Ulam in the 1940’s to model biological systems, are discrete
dynamical systems that are known for their strong modeling and self-organizational properties (for examples of some
modeling properties see [3,5,22–24,26]). Cellular automata are defined on an infinite lattice and can be defined for all
dimensions. In the one-dimensional case the integer lattice Z is used. In the two-dimensional case, Z Z. An example of
a two-dimensional cellular automata is John Conway’s ever popular ‘‘Game of Life’’1. Probably the most interesting aspect
about cellular automata is that which seems to conflict our physical systems. While physical systems tend to maximal entropy,
even starting with complete disorder, forward evolution of cellular automata can generate highly organized structure.
As with all dynamical systems, it is important and interesting to understand their long term or evolutionary behavior.
Hence it makes sense to develop a classification of a system based on its dynamical behavior. The concept of classifying cellular
automata was initiated by Stephen Wolfram in the early 1980’s, see [25,26]. Through numerous computer simulations,
Wolfram noticed that if an initial configuration (sequence) was chosen at random the probability is high that a cellular
automaton rule will fall within one of four classes.