Purpose and Designations
The intention of the Memorandum of Understaanding (hereinafter referred to as "MOU ) is to establish guidelines under which Government of Southern Thailand. Betong and Betong Business Development Corporation Ltd may select countries by mutual concurrence and may promote activities related to the Special Border Economic Zone with a view to facilitating the dissemination of good practices and initiatives in the following areas
opportunities, including through the promotion of green jobs and sustainable livelihoods for vulnerable groups; ii Promotion of fundamental principles and rights at work, including freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, as well as programs to address exploitative child labour, forced labour and diserimination in the workplace: ii) Equality of opportunity and treatment at work. including with respect to gender. race and disability iv) occupational safety and health; v) Social protection, including conditional cash transfer programs: and Promotion of effective social dialogue and productive relations. 2. The two Parties may decide to establish activities to be undertaken in partnership with other bilateral or multilateral partners, in order to attain the goal defined in such cooperation projects or activities, under the scope of the present MOU. 3, In order to carry out the cooperation activities provided for in this MOU. the Parties hereby designate: Asiana Thailand Holdings Corporation Ltd of the and b)Asiana Home Holdings Berhad, all of which are hereinafter referred to as Agencies