Abstract As maintenance of lifestyle change and risk
factor modification following completion of cardiac rehabilitation
has been shown to be notoriously difficult, we
developed a brief self-regulation lifestyle program for postcardiac
rehabilitation patients. Randomized-controlled
trial. Following completion of cardiac rehabilitation 210
patients were randomized to receive either a lifestyle
maintenance program (n = 112) or standard care (n = 98).
The program was based on self-regulation principles and
consisted of a motivational interview, 7 group sessions and
home assignments. Risk factors and health behaviors were
assessed at baseline (end of cardiac rehabilitation), and 6
and 15 months thereafter. ANCOVAs showed a significant
effect of the lifestyle program on exercise behavior at
15-month follow-up. Mediation analysis demonstrated that
the treatment effect on exercise behavior could be
explained by self-regulation skills. Chi squared tests
showed that patients in the intervention group had signifi-
cantly fewer uncontrolled risk factors as compared to the
control group. Finally, the lifestyle intervention program
was associated with a 12 % reduction in self-reported
cardiac hospital admission rates. This trial indicates that a
relatively brief, theory-based lifestyle program is capable
of inciting and maintaining improvements in exercise
adherence. It is suggested that patients may need ongoing
attention and guidance, for example in the form of (internet-based)
booster sessions, as long-term consolidation of
changes is arduous.