Physical properties
The crystal structure of potassium chloride is like that of NaCl. It adopts a face-centered cubic structure. Its lattice constant is roughly 6.3 Å. Crystals cleave easily in three directions.
Some other properties are
Transmission range: 210 nm to 20 µm
Transmittivity = 92% at 450 nm and rises linearly to 94% at 16 µm
Refractive index = 1.456 at 10 µm
Reflection loss = 6.8% at 10 µm (two surfaces)
dN/dT (expansion coefficient)= −33.2×10−6/°C
dL/dT (refractive index gradient)= 40×10−6/°C
Thermal conductivity = 0.036 W/(cm·K)
Damage threshold (Newman and Novak): 4 GW/cm2 or 2 J/cm2 (0.5 or 1 ns pulse rate); 4.2 J/cm2 (1.7 ns pulse rate Kovalev and Faizullov)
As with other compounds containing potassium, KCl in powdered form gives a lilac flame test res