And go to Preah Ang Chek and Preah Ang Chorm. On the Palace side of the river are two shrines. One is in the middle of Highway 6 itself, and we will come to that soon. The one on the North side of the road, by the Palace Gardens and the larger of the two shrines by far, is the Shrine to Preah Ang Chek and Preah Ang Chorm. These were said to be two Angkorian Princesses. Inside the shrine are two statues, originally thought to be in Angkor Wat itself. The figures are thought to be around 1,000 years old and were unearthed in the 1950s. The taller one represents Preah Ang Chek, and the shorter Preah Ang Chorm. They are surrounded by stories of indestructibility. One such tale tells of a General, wanting to move the figures. They are supposed to have got heavier and heavier, until they were so heavy the this super-human man couldn’t move them. There are detailed accounts of the story of General Dap Chhuon, but they get quite long and controversial, so we’ve not reproduced them here.