Several studies suggested that Bifidobacterium breve could efectively improve intestinal environments in clinical use [63, 64]. Pre-clinical studies after chemotherapy showed that a decrease in some bacteria species, including Bifido- bacterium, results in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that initiatesthe infammatory pathways [65]. Using anti-infammatory agents continues to be a promising strategy for the preven- tion and treatment of OM in cancer patients [66, 67]. Jiang et al. used a Bifidobacterium longum supplement to reduce the severity of OM by chemoradiotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma [7]. Picó-Monllor concluded that B. longum was the most frequently used probiotic for mucositis treatment. A combination of other probiotics resulted in the successful treatment of mucositis-associated with colorectal cancer [21, 68].