An array of two dimensions of size (NX,NOBS) where NOBS represents the number of observations and NX represents the number of independent variables. The x are the (linearly independent) predictor variables.
An array of two dimensions of size (NY,NOBS) where NOBS represents the number of observations and NY represents the number of dependent variables. The y are the (dependent) predictand variables. Note: NY.le.NX.
A logical variable. Currently not used.
Return value
An array containing the canonical correlation coefficients. The return values will be of type double if x or y is double, and float otherwise.
A suite of attributes is returned:
(a) ndof: degrees of freedom (one dimensional array)
(b) chisq: chi-squares values (one dimensional array)
(c) wlam : Wilk's Lambda (one dimensional array)
(d) coefx: two dimensional array (NY,NX) containing the
right hand [x] canonical loading coefficients.
(f) coefy: two dimensional array (NY,NY) containing the
left hand [y] canonical loading coefficients.
ndof will be type integer. chisq, coefr and coefl will be of the same type as the returned canonical correlations.
An array of two dimensions of size (NX,NOBS) where NOBS represents the number of observations and NX represents the number of independent variables. The x are the (linearly independent) predictor variables.
An array of two dimensions of size (NY,NOBS) where NOBS represents the number of observations and NY represents the number of dependent variables. The y are the (dependent) predictand variables. Note: NY.le.NX.
A logical variable. Currently not used.
Return value
An array containing the canonical correlation coefficients. The return values will be of type double if x or y is double, and float otherwise.
A suite of attributes is returned:
(a) ndof: degrees of freedom (one dimensional array)
(b) chisq: chi-squares values (one dimensional array)
(c) wlam : Wilk's Lambda (one dimensional array)
(d) coefx: two dimensional array (NY,NX) containing the
right hand [x] canonical loading coefficients.
(f) coefy: two dimensional array (NY,NY) containing the
left hand [y] canonical loading coefficients.
ndof will be type integer. chisq, coefr and coefl will be of the same type as the returned canonical correlations.
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