1. Gets some information first, including the benefit of using saltwater filter for aquarium and non-benefit thing that you must avoid,
2. Product list comparison, this step will show you how “perfect” this device can work. On the other side, from the appropriate list, you can become one of smart costumers that always chooses smart device too,
3. Price list survey will needed, after you get the product information and decide to choose one of the brand product, you will get the related price list, which one is lower. You can prepare fix budget in this step,
4. Product specification; according to the aquarium fixed size, how wide is it and what is the maximum volume? These questions will help you to find appropriate aquarium filter product. Based on the original specification, voltage, power, feature and maintenance service,
5. Installation process, you need to know about how difficult the installation progress is. Based on this step, you can decide if you need to work alone or need some helps from the filter aquarium expert,
6. Do not forget to buy product that always offer long time warranty service. When you need to repair or maintain aquarium filter, warranty service can cover it as much as you need. Long time warranty service is also needed if you want to change this product for the new one.