Chakra Balancing
The word Chakra in Sanskrit translates to wheel or disc. The most significant ones are the Seven Main Chakras located along the central line of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are located in the ethereal body and they express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the physical plane. They absorb and transmit energies to and from the universe.
When one or more of the chakras are in a state of imbalance, the mind/body health becomes compromised since imbalanced chakras are those that have blocks. A blockage in the chakra comes from traumatic or negative experiences during a lifetime that have not been released. Negative thoughts or belief patterns will also cause blocks. Many times, one does not even know there are blocks, until the body suddenly demonstrates symptoms. Note that once the body is showing a physical symptom, the chakra has been blocked for some time. Although many believe that an illness causes a block in the chakra, it is really the other way around. The chakras are enabling healing by allowing the body to speak to the mind in many wonderful ways.
Each chakra resonates with a particular frequency of vibration. Chakras are balanced by inviting them back to their natural state of vibration & frequency using energy work. By stimulating the senses in a favorable way, the nervous system and therefore, the chakras are balanced.