World Soil Day celebrates the importance of soil as a critical component of the natural system and as a vital contributor to the human commonwealth through its contribution to food, water and energy security and as a mitigator of biodiversity loss and climate change. It is celebrated particularly by the global community of 60 000 soil scientists charged with responsibility of generating and communicating soil knowledge for the common good.
World Soil Day is held on December 5th because it corresponds with the official birthday of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej , the King of Thailand, who officially sanctioned the event. In 2016 we recognise this day in memory and with respect for this beloved monarch who died in October, after seven decades as head of state.
At Soils for Life we promote regenerative landscape management which is about the integrated management of soil, water, vegetation and biodiversity to enable sustainable agricultural production that is good for the environment and farm profits. Support healthy soils everyday!