The initial questions of this study revolving around curriculum change,
classroom instruction change, and teacher perception about high-stakes tests have
guided the data collection. Through questionnaires, interviews, and observations,
rich data have been obtained and analyzed to make assumptions about the current
literature that exists about high-stakes tests. Consistent themes emerged through
triangulation about the changing and narrowing of the curriculum, the timing of the
taught curriculum, and areas of emphasis in the curriculum. The themes emerging
from teachers' discussion of their pedagogy included the lack of best practices as
well as the time used to teach test taking strategies. Of note was also the amount of
time used to practice for the high-stakes tests. When examining the perceptions of
the teachers, there was no doubt that in all cases, both positive and negative
perceptions about high-stakes testing emerged. Finally, this research has provided
data and discussion indicating a clearer picture of changes that may be occurring in
the educational setting on the basis of the PSSA.