The taxonomic position of the actinomycetes in the
phylogenetic tree along with their closest relatives and B. subtilis
strain BCRC 10058 as an out group is shown in Fig. 6. Halotolerant
Kocuria palustris, strain SBSK-67 showed 99% similarity with (i) K.
palustris strain S62, isolated from a marine sponge of South China
Sea and (ii) K. palustris sp. nov. strain TAGA27 which was isolated
from a rhizoplane of the narrow-leaved cattail (Typha
angustifolia) (19). Halophilic Kocuria sp., strain SBSK-120 showed
97% similarity and clustered with Kocuria halotolerans sp. nov.
strain YIM 90716 isolated from saline soil of Xinjiang Province,
China (18) and Kocuria sp. strain WJ15 isolated from infected
citrus. Halophilic Nocardiopsis sp. strain SBSK-115 had a similarity
index of 98% with Nocardiopsis halotolerans sp. nov. (DSM 44410)
isolated from salt marsh soil of Kuwait (11) and with Nocardiopsis
spp. (CNP-966_SD01 and CNR923 PL04) isolated from the marine
sediment of Califo