3.7. LF-NMR analysis
The changes in amplitudes of the samples as a function of the
relaxation times (T2) in different packing materials are shown in
Fig. 4. The relaxation time describes water status in the different
compartments of the sample: the mobility, distribution, position of
the water and interactions between water and macromolecules
(Musse et al., 2010).
At the beginning of storage, there were four distinct peaks
distributed in three different regions. Region I stands for water in
the cell wall; Region II represents cytoplasm water; Region III can
be considered as water in the vacuole and extra cellular (Fig. 4A).
And the fourth peak in region III was the major part. After 21 days
of storage, control and Nano-PM packed samples still display four
peaks but with some change. The peaks of the relaxation times in
Normal-PM packed mushrooms were smaller and led to a left-
ward shift compared with Nano-PM packed samples. In region III,
it was interesting to
find that there was a shoulder between T21
and T22 fractions and they had a tendency to merged into one
(Fig. 4B).