NANDA: The state in which an individual experiences a change in normal bowel habits characterized by the frequent passage of loose, unformed stools
Diarrhea may result from a variety of factors, including intestinal absorption disorders, increased secretion of fluid by the intestinal mucosa, and hypermotility of the intestine. Problems associated with diarrhea, which may be acute or chronic, include fluid and electrolyte imbalance and altered skin integrity. In the elderly, or those with chronic disease (such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS]), diarrhea can be life-threatening. Diarrhea may result from infectious (viral, bacterial, or parasitic) processes, primary bowel diseases (such as Crohn's disease), drug therapies (e.g., antibiotics), increased osmotic loads (e.g., tube feedings), radiation, or increased intestinal motility such as irritable bowel disease. Treatment is based on addressing the cause of the diarrhea, replacing fluids and electrolytes, providing nutrition (if diarrhea is prolonged and/or severe), and maintaining skin integrity. Health care workers and other caregivers must take precautions (e.g., diligent handwashing between patients) to avoid spreading diarrhea from person to person, including self.