1. Introduction
Cellular Automata (CA), composed of a cell, a cell space, neighbors and local rules for evolution, is a mathematical model
with discrete variables in terms of time, space, and state. Initially, Cellular Automata was firstly proposed by Stanislaw M.
Ulam and John Von Neunann in the 1950s, and then Martin Gardner introduced one ‘‘Game of Life’’ invented by John Conway
in paper [1–3], triggering a huge tide for the study on Cellular Automata among scholars. In the 1980s, Stephen Wolfram
proposed an Elementary Cellular Automata (ECA) with the state of 2 and the radius of 1. The ECA is one basic type of CA with
simple structure. However, the different local rules in the ECA show quite complex behavior dynamics, and the evolution
under the local rules presents the phenomena of complex dynamic interaction and self-duplication. In 2002, Stephoen Wolfram
studied CA deeply and creatively named the CA as a novel scientific filed [4]. Currently, there have been wide applications
of CA in different areas, including sociology, biology, ecology, information science, computer science, mathematics,
physics, chemistry, geography, environment, military, infectious diseases and so on [5–11].