The robbers shot. "The stealth attack" boom military series "security teacher"
image on 11 Jan pol power trowel finish บรรณ์ thoracic radiography yarang investigators. Pattani notification, the criminal police to shoot down the car thoracic radiography.Yarang injury accident on the road 410 Pattani Yala the 3 - Home bue is Bong T. into classification. ยะรัง by people know is the police captain theerapol. Recently chusri sent for treatment at the hospital.Yarang, but it's not serious. The investigation known as police captainTheerapol driving heading into the police station for nutrients. On the way when it comes to the scene has an unknown number of Hiding in the Grove Street. Use firearms do not know the type and size of a firefight, but fortunately the police captainTheerapol. Just being glass injury, injury, later, when 16.15. On the same day, Mr เกรียงเดช investigators. Thoracic radiography yarang also received notification criminal bombing officer. See ย.ท B. 2216 snatch. TrakoonthaiThe road 22 yarang - down joints among 1 with the 3 T. yarang District yarang by the the bomb types of them. Steel box weighs about 5 kg placed the line and wait for the military officers such shops. Trakoonthai 2216 snatch. Trakoonthai22 patrol route protection. Therefore, teachers through the detonator, the blast do. B. trakoonthai classical words the beetle was shrapnel in the legs. And was sent to hospital treatment.Yala by both official events expected was not well group in the area. "