The most important event in my life was to write essay on mother’s day have won 1st prize and I was awarded best children in the school in 12 august 2546 I was in grade close to my birthday because I was born in 13 August. I have received both the gifts from my family and the prizes from my school.My family set a big birthday party and big surprise for me it have a cake and a a first bicycle I want it for a long time I’m very glad and my family happy too.Especially my mother her was glad and very proud.I’m remember this event well, because it a happiest moment.
Why it is important events in my life.Because my family was all together it a first time.And is the first and the last time I had a birthday party. It is the first time I make my mother was very proud of me, but it was not the last time my mom will proud of me .Soon I will make her proud of me again, and it would be the next important event for me.