Crane Operator
Effective June 1, 2000, Snyder Langston requires all crane operators to be certified under the NCCO. or an equivalent program that has been reviewed by an independent assessment service (e.g. Buros Institute) accepted by the Snyder Langston’s Safety Manager. All crane operators shall be experienced, trained, and qualified to operate the size of crane, type of crane, and type of work to be performed on the Snyder Langston project. The operator shall provide proof of any training certificate or licenses possessed attesting to his or her crane operation knowledge, skill, and experience for review by the surveyor or Snyder Langston Management. Each crane operator shall comply with this crane safety manual and these policies and procedures. The crane operator shall work directly with the crane surveyor and provide the surveyor with the information required on all Snyder Langston crane survey forms. The crane operator will work with the crane surveyor in an effort to correct any safety deficiencies found during the survey. Any crane operator, who determines that a lift is unsafe to be performed, shall refuse to continue operation of the crane with the full support of Snyder Langston in eliminating the safety deficiency. Upon finding an unsafe condition, crane operator shall consult with the Snyder Langston superintendent and/or the crane surveyor in order to create a safe plan of action