Modern World has always found it difficult to define the spirituality and spirit; maybe that’s the reason it has always put it under the tag of ridicule and nonsense. You probably have a fair idea of terms that can come under the topic of “spirits” and “spirituality”. That may include visits of entities out of this world, vibrations, near death experiences and many more.
It is important to substantiate that the experiences under the realm of spirituality occurs when one is fully conscious, alert and awake not with sleepy eyes what sleep researches say sleep paralysis. It is quite possible that our scientific knowledge has not yet developed so much that it can explain all phenomenons, so puts it under the umbrella of hallucinations.
And let me clear that I am very open to the idea that some of the phenomenon that arises from sleep paralysis could be hallucinations. The point is, we should not label something that we don’t fully know under the tag of hallucinations.
It would be interesting to know that there have been and still many researches going on behind this phenomenon which further adds to its credibility. But these researches are behind the walls of national securities and extremely classified.