Let me see; what’s this mysterious thing?” Cao Tong grabbed it, opened the note and gave out a scream, “Ahh! This can’t be?”
Cao Mengmeng’s curiosity was aroused. She immediately jumped up, “Show it to me! Show it to me!”
Cao Tong handed the note to Cao Mengmeng, dumbfounded, “You should prepare yourself for this!”
Cao Mengmeng casually took it from her, but when she saw the writing on it, it sent a shiver down her spine. Her little voice suddenly shouted, “OH, MY GOD! God! Zhang Yuanqi’s autograph! Autograph!”
The entire family was startled.
“Is that true?”
“Zhang Yuanqi’s autograph?”
“Little Ye, how did you get it?”
Even though the adults don’t follow any stars, they still knew Zhang Yuanqi well!