Finally, it appears that the nature of the interactions
between a buying firm and its suppliers is, in some
instances, quite different today from what it was 15 or
20 years ago. Besides partnership, other types of
relationship are encountered. For example, one that is
worth noting regarding its adequacy for JIT purchasing,
is the concept of lean supply (Lamming, 1993).
Under lean supply, the suppliers are considered as
extremely competent manufacturers, which should
seek success through innovation and global competitiveness.
The lean supply concept may be seen as an
extension of partnership, strongly oriented towards the
specific linkage of a buying firm with typical intelligence
suppliers. Within global production environments,
lean supply should be a very interesting
research avenue, especially in contexts where strategic
and competitive advantages are expected to be gained
through JIT purchasing.
Finally, it appears that the nature of the interactions
between a buying firm and its suppliers is, in some
instances, quite different today from what it was 15 or
20 years ago. Besides partnership, other types of
relationship are encountered. For example, one that is
worth noting regarding its adequacy for JIT purchasing,
is the concept of lean supply (Lamming, 1993).
Under lean supply, the suppliers are considered as
extremely competent manufacturers, which should
seek success through innovation and global competitiveness.
The lean supply concept may be seen as an
extension of partnership, strongly oriented towards the
specific linkage of a buying firm with typical intelligence
suppliers. Within global production environments,
lean supply should be a very interesting
research avenue, especially in contexts where strategic
and competitive advantages are expected to be gained
through JIT purchasing.
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