The resistance-deflection curve shown in Figure 4-1 demonstrates the flexural action of a reinforced concrete element. When the element is first loaded, the resistance ideallyincreases linearly with deflection until yielding of the reinforcement is first initiated. Asthe element continues to deflect, all the reinforcing steel yields and the resistance isconstant with increasing deflection. Within this yield range at a deflection correspondingto 2 degrees support rotation, the compression concrete crushes. For elements withoutshear reinforcement, this crushing of the concrete results in failure of the element. Forelements with shear reinforcement (single leg stirrups shown in Figure 4-2 – seeSection 4-66.3 for stirrup type definition – or lacing shown in Figure 4-3) which properlytie the flexural reinforcement, the crushing of the concrete results in a slight loss ofcapacity since the compressive force is transferred to the compression reinforcement.