Suggestions for improvements included: get calorie counting pedometers, share data collected with teachers,add a newsletter, provide teachers more communication,share what some of the families are working on, and consider a website or bulletin board for sharing with all involved. Other comments included that the ‘‘good conversations’’between child and nursing student developed
over time. Suggestions for getting parents involved included having a parent advocate, including a website and having monthly parent meetings. There was complete support for continuing the program with suggestions about getting the family involved, creating a calendar event for families, adding more communication venues, creating space in the classroom for the program materials, having regular announcements at school, having a booth at Meet-The-Teacher day, eliminating the control group so all classrooms participate, and creating pods of children to
support each other.
Suggestions for improvements included: get calorie counting pedometers, share data collected with teachers,add a newsletter, provide teachers more communication,share what some of the families are working on, and consider a website or bulletin board for sharing with all involved. Other comments included that the ‘‘good conversations’’between child and nursing student developed
over time. Suggestions for getting parents involved included having a parent advocate, including a website and having monthly parent meetings. There was complete support for continuing the program with suggestions about getting the family involved, creating a calendar event for families, adding more communication venues, creating space in the classroom for the program materials, having regular announcements at school, having a booth at Meet-The-Teacher day, eliminating the control group so all classrooms participate, and creating pods of children to
support each other.
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