Forty percent of SHOs have an MPH degree (n = 21)
and 60% of SHOs (n=31) do not have the degree. All 21
SHOs with MPH degrees and 30 of the 31 SHOs without
MPH degrees responded to the following questions.
Seventy-one percent (n = 15) of agencies with
SHOs with anMPHreported aQI process in place compared with 80%
of agencies with SHOs without an MPH
(n = 24). Forty-three percent of agencies with SHOs
With MPH(n=9) and 40% of agencies with SHOs without
An MPH(n=12) reported implementing between 4
and 10 formal QI projects in the past year. There is also
minimal distinction in the reporting of a PM system by
SHOs with an MPH (n=14, 67%) compared with SHOs
without an MPH (n = 20, 67%). Twenty-four percent of
agencies with SHOs with an MPH (n = 5) reported
participating in QI efforts as part of employee performance
goals compared with 33% of agencies with SHOs
without an MPH (n = 10); 43% (n = 9) with an MPH
reported QI included in job description for some employees
compared with 77% (n = 23) without an MPH;
10% (n = 2) with an MPH have formed a QI committee
that coordinates QI efforts compared with 33% (n
= 10) without an MPH; 24% (n = 5) with an MPH do
not use any of the listed methods to actively encourage
staff involvement in QI efforts compared with 3% (n =
1) of those without an MPH (Table 2). Also as noted
earlier, PDCA/PDSA was the most frequently used QI
framework in a state/territorial health agency in the
past year: 38% (n = 8) of the 21 agencies with SHOs
with an MPH used this framework compared with 62%
(n = 18) of 29 agencies who responded that they have
SHOs without an MPH degree.