The heating value of the crude bio-oil was 36.41 MJ/kg. As Fraction A had a large amount of water (i.e., 46.75%), its heating value was only 18.75 MJ/kg. The heating value of Fractions B to I increased from 37.16 MJ/kg to 45.38 MJ/kg with the increase of the distillation temperature. As Fractions B to I had negligible amounts of water, the increase of heating value from Fractions B to I indicated that the content of oxygenates in the distillate fractions decreased with the increase of distillation temperature. The heating value of Fraction H that was collected at the distillation temperature of 447.8 C was 45.26 MJ/kg, which increased by 24.3% from that of the crude bio-oil produced by the liquefaction at 340 C and 21.8% from that of Fraction B collected at the distillation temperature of 373.4 C. However, there was no significant difference of the heating values between Fractions H collected at 447.8 C and Fraction I collected at 498.8 C. The increase of heating values of the distillates with the distillation temperature might be caused by the decrease of oxygen contents in the distillates, which would be further confirmed by elemental analysis.
The viscosity of the crude bio-oil was 9.71 cP. The viscosity of