• Copper and zinc form solid
solution up to ~ 39% zinc at
oC, giving a wide rage of
• Sn, Al, Si, Mg, Ni, and Pb are
added elements, called ‘alloy
• Commercially used brasses can be
Microstructure of α brasses
• Microstructures of the singlephase
α brasses consist of α
solid solution.
• Annealing twins observed in
the α grains increases with the
Zn contents.
• Dislocation structure also
changes from cellular to welldefined
planar array structure
with increasing Zn. (due to
lowered stacking fault energy).
• Copper and zinc form solidsolution up to ~ 39% zinc at456oC, giving a wide rage ofproperties.• Sn, Al, Si, Mg, Ni, and Pb areadded elements, called ‘alloybrasses’.• Commercially used brasses can beMicrostructure of α brasses• Microstructures of the singlephaseα brasses consist of αsolid solution.• Annealing twins observed inthe α grains increases with theZn contents.• Dislocation structure alsochanges from cellular to welldefinedplanar array structurewith increasing Zn. (due tolowered stacking fault energy).
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