Winterbourne watched Daisy. She was smiling and touching the ribbons on her hat. Then she looked at Winterbourne and said, "Yes, I'm going to meet Mr Giovanelli beautiful Mr Giovanelli."
"My dear Miss Miller," said Mrs Walker, holding Daisy's hand. "Please don't walk to the Pincio to meet a beautiful Italian now."
"Good heavens," said Daisy. "I don't want to behave incorectly. What can I do?" she looked at Winterbourne again. "I know - Ihave an idea. The Pincio is not far away. Maybe Mr Winterbourne will walk with me."
"Of course," said Winterbourne politely. "I'llbe happy to walk with you."
Daisy and Winterbourne said goodbye to Mrs Walker, and went out into the street. Outside the house, Mrs Miller'a carriage was waiting, and Eugenio was sitting in the back of it.