H1 The majority of the users identify as the main online social networking sites Facebook.com and Google+;
H2 The main method of connection is a laptop or a personal computer;
H3 The main assessment criteria used by the majority of the users for accepting new friends / connections is
H4 The main activity undertaken by the OSN users on their account is communicate with friends;
H5 The majority of the users have more than 300 friends / connections;
H6 The majority of the respondents are influenced by the information presented on the online social networking
In order to meet the objectives of the our research we used a quantitative marketing research based on a
questionnaire, which had several structured questions in order to answer the hypotheses that were issued previously.
In order to verify and pre-test the questionnaire for the quantitative research we have organized a qualitative research
in the form of a focus group. The target group for the qualitative research was formed of 9 students from several high
schools of Sibiu County.
The purpose of the focus group was to pre-test the questionnaire that was to be presented in the quantitative research
and find new items or variables that can be underlined in the research. The questionnaire for the quantitative research
is formed of: 18 questions from which: 8 closed questions, 4 closed questions using 5 step Likert scale, 4 mixed
questions and the rest of the questions are closed demographic questions. We have established a representative statistic
sample of 388 students (with a margin of error of 5 % and a response probability coefficient of 95%). We have
distributed 429 questionnaires which resulted in 281 valid responses. All this represents a response rate of 65.51%.