In this conceptual paper, we have discussed the theoretical framework of teaching critical reading skills to students. Reading skills, reading strategies, and metacognitive skills and strategies are not to be taught in isolation. With these skills and strategies, students will better understand whatever text given to them. Students should be made aware of their learning skills and strategies as to help them be critical and successful students in the future. Teachers should employ the appropriate strategies in their method of teaching reading and they need to be creative and critical in their teaching activities as to help students develop into better critical readers. Thus, students could perform better in any course/subject they are taking. Teachers should ask themselves what they want to achieve at the end of the day, … it is not about achieving the teaching objectives alone, it is more than that, it is about what our students achieve at the end of the day, and we hope that they could be better critical learners where they could „think about what they think‟ … . It is hoped that, more researches or case studies to be carried in this area especially in the Malaysian schools as to investigate whether critical reading skills are being emphasized or taught in reading classes. This will help the teachers in schools to understand better the urgent need to teach these skills and strategies to students.