(While they were at UNIQLO) I saw Lay, Chen, Luhan, and Xiumin. Xiumin was kind of limping and Luhan carried all the bags for him. While they were shopping, they kept commenting to each other, “I think this is prettier” “No, you have a similar one at home” and such. Luhan asked Xiumin (for his opinion on) EVERYTHING. “Should I buy this? Would this be warm? How about this? Do you want me to buy this for you?” and so on.
Then afterwards, when they were at Cafe Bene, a fan saw them when they were coming out of the cafe:
Luhan looked at Minseok worriedly after he saw him limping a little, and he made Minseok walk on the inside of the sidewalk, while Luhan walked on the outside (i.e. the side closer to the street where cars are passing by).