Conclusions and Recommendations To increase the understanding of differences of tourist from Germany China and Indian by study the culture difference Finding and analyzing of secondary d and well-known theory which used to analyze the differed of each country were stii nd presented. Holstede dimension theory was the main used include with Power Distance index (PD Individualism dDv), Masculinity (MAS), uncertainty Avoidance index (UA and Long-Term orientation TO). The knowledge guined from the theoretical framework contributed lo fulfilling the research objective. and the scope of this study. Concepts of tourist culture differences were reoccurring through the entire analysis. Hofstede's theory of cultural differentiation can be of great use when analyzing a country's culture, However, there are a few things have lo keep in mind. First, the dimensions have been chosen for comparing countries. and the measuring instrument was meant for use at country or geographical level only The dimensions cannot be used for comparing the values of individuals Thus, the identified dimensions should be used only as a guide lo understanding the difference in cultures between countries, not a law set in stone It is found that cultural differences between China and India have become xignificantly less obvious, as their people as a new generarron are now seen as more global and westernized. For instance. Masculinity dimension could not be used to analyze the culture difference for chinese and an ouns, as they are travelers who spend lew and 'beri period of stay as well as not too long distance travel ircompare with German tourist