A disadvantage of the coaxially fed single patch configuration is
the unavoidable mismatch, even at resonance, due to the inductance
of the probe. A first solution to this problem is to cancel out the probe
inductance using an appropriate matching network at the back of the
ground plane. This solution does not alter the radiating structure,
which means that the well-known simple models can be used to
analyze the structure (transmission line models, cavity models). The
goal of this paper is to investigate a second solution, the use of
capacitive feeding in the radiating structure. If the probe reactance
can be cancelled out within the radiating structure itself, a simpler
matching network can be used. Because of the higher complexity
of the resulting radiating structure, the integral equation technique is
used to analyze this structure in a straightforward way. The accuracy
of the model is proven through comparison with measurements. The
model developed is used to analyze the effects occurring in the
capacitively fed rectangular microstrip element from the point of view
of adding the capacitor patch to a given basic single patch microstrip