All such methods of Teachers’ Evaluation have their relative
pros and cons; however, the need for Teachers’ Evaluation remains there for the
provision of quality education. In Pakistan, the concept of Teachers’ Evaluation is
mostly limited to Students’ Rating; Classroom Observation and Students’
Achievement in the criterion referenced exams. Even these methods are applicable to
private sector institutions. In the state owned institutions, there was no concept of
Teachers’ Evaluation; however, a gradual shift was observed when institutes of
Higher Education in the public sector were directed to introduce Students’ Rating of
teachers. Since this was new to many institutions, a general Performa was circulated
for all the public sector institutions. However, there is no or little uniformity in the
process and reporting of teachers evaluation programme. Furthermore, there is no
system in place to evaluate teachers evaluation programme itself. The objective of this
paper is to do meta-evaluation of a “Teachers’ Evaluation Programme using CIPP
model. The acronyms of the model stand for Context, Input, process and Product. This
Teachers’ Evaluation programme was implemented by first and second authors in one
of the constituent colleges of a public sector university. The rationale of the study is
that evaluators themselves should conduct formative and summative meta-evaluation
of their programmes. Former to examine the potential of the programme and later to
see whether it has been done the way it was planned and to bring necessary changes
for future (Daniel L. 2003).