Self-powered electrochemical water treatment system for sterilization and algae removal using water wave energy
Marine environment is facing a great challenge from rapid population growth and increased human activities. The uncontrolled discharge of wastewater and ballast water has caused the growth of harmful bacteria and algal blooms. Here we report a self-powered using the newly water treatment system for sterilization and algae removal in wastewater invented triboelectric nanogenerator(TENG) that provides the power from the water wave. A synergetic effect of both free chlorine and reduced graphene oxide during the electrolysis process resulted in an effective impact to bactericidals and high-efficiency algae removal This system achieves more than 6 log(99.9999%) removal bacteria, including of three model Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis and Vibrio alginolyticus, and high removal efficiencies for mixed marine algae. Our demonstrates an innovative and unique approach toward a totally self-powered electrochemical water treatment system for bacterial inactivation and algae removal without supplying additional power. is step toward self-powered environmental electrochemistry. 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.