In addition to focus on the improvement of visible light absorp-tion, more and more researchers paid attention to the modificationof microstructure of TiO2, such as the TiO2with mesoporous struc-ture. Both high specific surface area and porous frameworks areimportant characteristics of mesoporous TiO2, which may exhibitlarge pore volume or large pore diameter [10] and are beneficialto such applications as photocatalytic activity or electrochemicalactivity. For example, Hao et al. [11] prepared mesoporous titania powders with a bicrystalline (anatase and brookite) framework bya modified sol–gel method. The as-prepared sample showed high photocatalytic activity to degrade Rhodamine B (RhB), which was attributed to the porous structure and large surface area. In addition, Zhou et al. [12] synthesized anatase TiO2 with mesoporous structure by a unique hydrothermal process, applied in Lithium-based storage devices as an electrode material. Due to its large active surface area, the sample would allow for the use of high electrochemical reaction rates and is of great importance in battery applications