Bycatch and discards are common and pernicious
problems faced by all fisheries globally. It is
recognized as unavoidable in any kind of fishing
but the quantity varies according to the gear
operated. In tropical countries like India, bycatch
issue is more complex due to the multi-species and
multi-gear nature of the fisheries. Among the
different fishing gears, trawling accounts for a
higher rate of bycatch, due to comparatively low
selectivity of the gear. A study was conducted
during 2004 to 2006 using shrimp trawl in the
traditional trawling grounds off Cochin in the
southwest coast of India to reveal the quality,
quantity and monthly variations of bycatch generated
by trawlers. Mean monthly bycatch generated
by shrimp trawling off Cochin ranged from 1.14 to
38.64 kg h-1, in different months with an overall
average of 12.85±1.97 (SE, n=12) kg h-1. Shrimpbycatch
ratio ranged from 1:0.6 to 1:6908, during
different months. The study identified 281 species
including juveniles of commercially important
fishes and shellfishes from the shrimp trawl