Opening food packaging is a daily activity carried out worldwide.
It is a complex task with many interacting parameters. The
process is often associated with difficulties or even an inability to
open the packaging. Opening peelable packaging, such as is used
for cheese or meat, causes real problems for many consumers,
especially elderly people and those with hand disorders (Heini€o
et al., 2008; Rowson and Yoxall, 2011). Previous studies have
demonstrated that 40% of people aged between 62 and 82 years,
and up to 78% of patients with hand disorders, have difficulties
opening peelable packaging or are simply unable to do so (Dittrich
and Spanner-Ulmer, 2010; Marks et al., 2012). In Switzerland, about
15% of the population suffers from hand or upper limb complaints,
conditions which increase with age (Krieger and Graf, 2011). In the
coming years, demographic aging will increase in both Switzerland
and other western countries. The number of hand conditions and
difficulties opening packaging will rise accordingly and aspects of
strength and dexterity will become increasingly important.